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Image by Philippe Bout

A uniquely effective life settlement solution for top wealth advisors.

We deliver the first and only life settlement solution that meets the highest standards of client care for conscientious, fee-only wealth advisors at top RIAs and Best Interest-oriented, principled  life insurance professionals, ensuring complete transparency, effective price discovery, rational fees, and maximum proceeds to your clients from their unwanted and surplus life insurance.


As buyers, we simply did not like how the incumbent channel treats policy sellers. So, we decided to do something about it.


We are on a mission to disrupt and replace a badly broken distribution channel whose members have for years placed their economic interests ahead of those of their clients. As buyers of in-force life insurance for seven years before founding this business, it became clear to us that the incentive structure and level of fees that characterize the incumbent channel levy a wholly unreasonable tax on policy owners, with very real psychic and economic implications for those who wish to sell a life insurance policy that they no longer want or need.​


So, with a fundamentally different philosophy that underlies everything we do, we undertook to deliver a materially differentiated and better service for advisors of HNW/UHNW clients to ensure that you can deliver a life settlement solution worthy of your reputation and standards.

Our Story in Numbers



After several years as with a large private equity buyer of in-force life insurance, frustrated with opaque price discovery and poor client advocacy...we decided to change things



Based on the on our lower fees alone - even more with our higher winning bids; often hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars in proceeds



A transparent, simple, easy to understand fee for service, % of the value we help unlock, the winning bid less surrender value (min. $12,500)



HNW/UHNW RIAs with >$800B in AUM and a rapidly growing universe of principled life insurance professionals and their firms

Business Meeting

״We've used brokers for years, but knowing what we know now about how you operate versus what they do and what it means for our clients, we could never again in good conscience use them.״

Client Service Lead

$10B in-force specialty insurance advisor ($140B RIA)

Financial Advisor

Yes, a niche transaction. But, high quality counterparties and real capital.

What is a life settlement? Simply, the sale of an in-force life insurance party to a third party for more than the surrender value as an alternative to lapse or surrender.

“So far as reasonable safety permits, it is desirable to give to life policies the ordinary characteristics of property. To deny the right to sell except to persons having such an interest is to diminish appreciably the value of the contract in the owner’s hands.

– U.S. Supreme Court, Grigsby v. Russell, 1911

Since 2010, the universe of buyers of in-force life insurance has become highly institutional, with many household name private equity, hedge funds, endowments, and private and public pensions having purchased policies. While there is not an organized market, per se, there are 20+ credible institutional buyers that will pay up to 60% of the face value of a policy.​

The challenge for policy owners who might wish to sell a policy is ensuring that as many of those buyers as possible compete for the asset and that your client pays a rational fee for a transparent, expeditious price discovery process - or doesn't sell it at a discount to a single buyer that doesn't compete.


That's where we come in.

Image by Simon Berger

Meet us

All humility aside, we are the very best at what we do; we do not care about being the biggest, we care only about being the best and delivering for you and your clients. While we occupy a small corner of the HNW/UHNW wealth management world, we are wholly committed to delivering an outsized impact in that niche for our clients, the best wealth advisors and life insurance professionals in the country. In every interaction and engagement.


We are capital markets professionals with a deep understanding of what it means to service the HNW/UHNW marketplace, having worked with several of the largest and most highly regarded RIAs in the country. We speak your language, delivering a disciplined, transparent, and  intellectually-rigorous price discovery process, grounded in a comprehensive understanding - borne of experience - of how institutional buyers value in-force life insurance contracts. And we have a intensive client service mentality, respecting your time, intelligence, and relationships.

And nobody enables HNW/UHNW policy owners extract more from the life insurance that you and they assess that they no longer need.



Hear in this episode of the Smarter Planner Podcast Belle Osvath, CFP, interview Scott about his company's innovative approach to helping financial planners work with their clients to sell life insurance policies that are no longer needed.

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We enable you to deliver high-value, differentiating service wins and organic AUM growth.

Regardless of the reason underlying the assessment that a settlement should be an option for a policy, the windfall from an otherwise unwanted asset into which your client likely paid significant proceeds over the years and from which they didn't expect to be able to generate any liquidity is almost certain to be of real value to any of your clients.

We have helped advisors at top RIAs extract tens of millions of dollars from their clients' unwanted and surplus life insurance - and done so with an expeditious, completely transparent price discovery process, for which we receive a simple, transparent 7.5% fee (minimum $12,500) after your client has received their proceeds.

Beach Run
$475,000 winning bid
$35,625 1908 fee
Life insurance GA
67 year old male (rare cancer)
$1,500,000 converted term (UL)
Individual owned (buy/sell agreement, post sale)
$437,400 winning bid
$32,805 1908 fee
Large national wirehouse
91 year old healthy female
$754,000 UL
Trust owned
$700,000 winning bid
$52,500 1908 fee
$9 billion AUM RIA
61 year old male (manageable cancer)
$2,000,000 convertible term
Individual owned
$900,000 winning bid
$67,500 1908 fee
$25 billion AUM RIA
51 year old female (manageable cancer)
$5,000,000 term
Key Man (retained upon sale of business)
$2,948,000 winning bid
$157,500 1908 fee
$9 billion AUM RIA
85 year old healthy female
$5,300,000 GUL/$800,000 CSV
Trust owned
Senior Couple
$2,600,000 winning bid
$50,000 1908 fee
UHNW Insurance Advisor
75 year old male/75 year old female
$29,000,000 UL/$1,600,000 CSV
Individual owned - wanted to exit premium loan
Embracing on a Bench
$4,300,000 winning bid
$215,000 1908 fee
UHNW Insurance Advisor
91 year old healthy male and female
$9,800,000 GUL
Trust owned
$5,300,000 winning bid
$265,000 1908 fee
UHNW Insurance Advisor
85 year old male/79 year old female, both healthy
$12,000,000 GUL
Trust owned
Discussing project on screen

Life insurance professionals

We know that most life insurance agents are familiar with life settlements and that many actually like the broker channel - the commissions are appealing, even if otherwise difficult to defend. Some don't want to take our call; as one  put it to us, ”…they want the plausible deniability that they weren’t aware of the option when they recommend that their clients use a broker that will split a 30% commission."

If, however, you are solely committed to advancing the interests of your clients and you'd like to do life settlements for them in a way that ensures that they receive the maximum value for an asset that you sold them but that they no longer want or need, while still being equitably compensated, then we'd love to work with you.

And practically speaking - our higher winning bids often result in compensation (at our typical 5%/5% split) for the producer that is comparable to or greater than the higher % participation in broker transactions.

Image by Nathan Anderson

More opportunities to do the right thing for clients and their families than most are aware

More than 40,000 HNW/UHNW HHs >72 forfeit (lapse or surrender) each year $75 billion of the $1.5 trillion of in-force permanent and convertible term life insurance, at least $50 billion of which likely has value in excess of surrender value to institutional buyers. But less than 10% of the policies are presented to market, half through direct buyers that you see on TV (and are unlikely to pay a competitive bid, for lack of competition) and the other half through egregiously expensive brokers that run ineffective price discovery and extract a third of the value of the transaction in commissions.

To create a better outcome for your client, all you need is to know what to look for  - from the most obvious observations, like there is no longer a need for a policy, to more nuanced analyses about the relative utility of a policy - and how to start the conversation. And we can help with that.


>72 HNW/UHNW own at least one policy 


3% - 4% is lapsed or surrendered annually


Avg. settlement multiple of CSV and % of face value

Recent Engagement

An UHNW life insurance consulting firm (who began using us three years ago after years of using traditional brokers for years), part of a $140B RIA, approached us about a client with a large life insurance portfolio who wanted to explore the sale of $9.8M two second-to-die GUL policies as part of a broader estate planning exercise for the 91 year-old couple.

The below results are why this firm, and others, engage us strategically to contemplate what the best course of action might be with all of their older clients with whom they are regularly assessing the value and utility of their life insurance portfolio.

Team meeting




Winning Bid


Net Proceeds (1908 5%/Advisor 5%)


Days to Complete/Fund

Man Reading the Newspaper

We work with only the best

Not everyone wants to work with us. Those who prefer the commission structure of the incumbent channel are not fans, and we are ok with that. In fact, we prefer it, as we only wish to work with those who take their responsibility to serve the interests of their clients as seriously as we take our responsibility to enable you to deliver for your clients.

If you're wired like we are, we’d love to work with you and we are happy to provide references, upon request. 


Top 50 HNW/UHNW RIAs, with >$800 billion AUM


BGAs/IMOs/Top UHNW Insurance Producers


Various Trustees, T&E attorneys, other


Region Head, CFA

$15 billion AUM RIA

"I know our advisors just added a new tool to their toolbox and I’m excited to see our teams collaborate."

Partner (CLU, ChFC)

$10 billion in-force life insurance advisor (part of $140B RIA)

"My mind is analytical and I love it when someone dives deep into an industry looking for ways to improve it. You have certainly done that with your approach. You did a great job explaining to us why your firm is structurally different from the brokers we used in the past and I appreciate that and agree with your approach. We'll help many families together."

Head of Insurance

$120 billion AUM UHNW RIA

"I won’t even imagine the reaction of one of our advisors to learning too late that a life insurance partner that we work with didn't engage 1908 and put a shared client into a brokered life settlement and charged our client those outrageous fees."

Senior Insurance Advisor (CFP)

$9 billion AUM RIA

"We have seen time and time again direct evidence of the benefits of both higher bids and materially lower fees that accrue to our clients who want to do a life settlement as a result of using 1908’s service."

Vice President (CFP, CLU)

Large national life insurance broker

"Your approach aligns with where the true advice business for life insurance is going, including bringing real transparency to the otherwise murky industry of life settlements."

Managing Director (ChFC, CLU)

$30 billion AUM UHNW RIA

"1908's model has turned this sector upside down amidst all these cowboy brokers."


Your client has no life settlement application or contract with us and we don't waste their time with no-value process steps to create "work product", like securing LE reports that buyers do not use, etc. - and if bids aren't compelling, we don't tie them up with a non-circumvent or limit their ability to pursue other options.

Simple, Transparent

Image by Clayton Holmes

We don't "negotiate" bids in a protracted, multi-round, open auction. Unlike the flawed broker approach, which rewards bargain-hunting behavior, our price discovery process compels max value indications in a 5-day, blind, best-and-final auction, lest the Provider risk not win the policy in an attempt to acquire it at a bargain price.

Effective, Fast


If you and your client assess that a bid is worth pursuing, then and only then does your client sign a life settlement application and then execute a contract to sell the policy, then paying us (and you, if you and your client choose) after they receive their proceeds from the buyer.


Simple, Fast, Effective Process

​Our simple, transparent, expeditious price discovery process is respectful of your and your client's time, effort, and, honestly, intelligence. We typically deliver actionable bids in 5 days (after a two-week underwriting period), consummation and funding within 60 days, all requiring less than 10 hours of your time, most of which is only after you and your client know whether the winning bid is sufficiently compelling to move forward with the administrative effort of contracting.


Importantly, we enable the price discovery benefits of real competition among multiple credible buyers without the opacity, inefficiency, and high cost of a broker. Importantly, you are intimately engaged in the process – with end-to-end transparency and an audit trail – and understood by your client  to have been the driver of a high-value service win and significant windfall from an asset that would otherwise have been forfeited for little or no benefit.


And everything is executed in a secure ShareFile bid room, not via e-mail and phone calls. 

Image by Maico Amorim









Colleagues at Work

Let's Talk

If you'd like to learn more about what we do and how we can be of service to you and your clients and their families, please reach out. We'd love to be of service.

Thank you.

Mountain Climber

Substantially higher winning bids

While the analysis underlying the value of an in-force life insurance policy is complex and requires extensive domain expertise, the final calculation of the value is a simple DCF. Various risks are priced into an otherwise relatively simple IRR calculation, applying a discount rate to a projected stream of cash flows (premiums, death benefit) over a mortality curve. Some or all of these (possibly others) criteria are priced into an imputed face value/premium stream/discount rate calculation.


Even seemingly small differences in the assumptions about any of those variables on the preceding page that underly an individual buyer’s assessment of a policy can result in significant differences in ascribed value – each buyer’s “private value.”


It is only through our approach that those differences can be capitalized upon, resulting in faster, higher bids for your clients. 

Without you, your clients are on their own.

Are any of your clients objectively better off without you responsibly engaging them about monetizing an unwanted or surplus life insurance policy from which they might be able to extract hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars? Of course not.

Without you, only three things will happen; 1) 90% will do nothing, lapsing or surrendering the policy without ever assessing whether it might have value to institutional buyers, 2) 5% will engage a life settlement broker, being subjected to a confusing, prolonged process and ultimately ineffective price discovery that will cost as much as 30% of the proceeds in commissions to the broker, or 3) 5% will engage a single buyer that will acquire the policy from your client with a non-competitive bid, far less than what a competitive auction would produce.

We're here to help you ensure much better outcomes for your clients. And all you really need to do is start the conversation.​



will miss out entirely


will pay egregious fees


won't receive full value

About us

Who we are

Experienced capital markets professionals with extensive and broad domain expertise in the institutional market for in-force life insurance, aka “life settlements,” since 2016 with this company, seven years prior as buyers.

What we do

Provide efficient access to a universe of institutional buyers of in-force life insurance, ensuring transparent, effective, expeditious, and comprehensive price discovery and maximum proceeds for HNW/UHNW policy owners. 

How we are different

We deliver substantively better outcomes - at least 30% higher net proceeds - in a transparent, much faster, and more confidence-engendering process than any other approach available to sellers or their advisors.

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